a pile of books, bound by some brown twine

Policies and Procedures

The definitive source of all of Tutor Trust's policies and procedures

The world of governance and regulation - the policies and procedures that keep pupils, partners and tutors safe - may not always be very exciting, but it is vitally important. To help you navigate your way to the topics and documents that are relevant to you, whilst working with or for us, we've collated it into one central place on our website.

Policy and Procedure Finder

Simply use the selector to pick the policy area you are interested in, and click Go:

Safeguarding and child protection

We believe that all children and young people have the right to learn in a safe and caring environment.  This includes the right to protection from all types of abuse. Trustees, staff, tutors, and those in a position of trust who represent the organisation, have to do everything possible to foster these rights. We take seriously our responsibility towards safeguarding all young people who engage with us, with the focus being on their safety and welfare.

We have a comprehensive set of training and procedures in place (see links below), including a robust safeguarding policy created in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 (KCSiE2024). We have a dedicated guidance document for the delivery of online tuition, to reflect the importance of safeguarding mechanisms when working with young people using online platforms. As well as being accessible to all interested parties on this page, the policies are also readily available to tutors and staff via the relevant internal training/resource platforms.

We work closely with schools and colleges to ensure our tuition is delivered safely. All staff and tutors receive an Enhanced DBS check and training in safeguarding and child protection before being allowed to represent Tutor Trust in an educational setting. We hold introductory meetings with all our partner education providers, before tuition begins, where the safeguarding policies and procedures of that school, college, or alternative provision setting are outlined.

We ensure that all new staff undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction. Training is updated regularly. In addition, all staff receive regular safeguarding and child protection updates as required (for example, via email, every staff or trustee meeting), and, at least annually, we provide them with updated training to enable them to safeguard children effectively.

We ensure that all tutors have undertaken and completed the relevant training before placement in their roles. Safeguarding training is delivered online, and Tutor Trust awaits evidence of completion before tutors can take on work. Training covers, as a minimum:

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection – tutors complete training supplied by TES/Educare, in addition to training on our safeguarding procedures
  • Prevent Duty, covering extremism and radicalisation, which is also provided by TES
  • Annual refresher training is compulsory for all returning tutors, the training incorporates all relevant changes to KCSIE for that academic year. This must be completed before a tutor takes on new work.

The trustee overseeing safeguarding is Lucy Crompton. Any questions or concerns about safeguarding can be directed to Tutor Trust's Designated Safeguarding Lead, Jason Heaford

Call Email

Statement on the EU General Data Protection Regulation

The Board of Trustees recognise their roles in ensuring that Tutor Trust's compliance with the requirements of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Trustees have:

  1. Appointed a Data Protection Officer
  2. Approved a Data Protection Policy, which will be reviewed annually
  3. Ensure that a full data audit for Tutor Trust activity has been undertaken
  4. Ensure that all colleagues complete appropriate GDPR training and know how to report data breaches.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and take advice from the ICO website on best practices for protecting data.

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement applies to Tutor Trust, the information included in the statement refers to the financial year 2023/24. 

Organisational structure

We are a registered charity that aims to tackle educational inequality uniquely. Our mission is to 'transform lives through tutoring’ by making sure every child who needs some additional academic support can access a great tutor. We recruit and train bright university students as tutors in the core subjects of maths, English, and science and place them in state schools.

Tutor Trust directly employs around 60 staff and is not in any category that is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK. Tutor Trust will seek to influence its partners and supply chain by sharing its policy on Modern Slavery and requiring providers to confirm their arrangements to uphold the fundamental principles of human rights.


The organisation considers that modern slavery encompasses:

  • human trafficking
  • forced work, through mental or physical threat
  • being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse
  • being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property
  • being physically constrained or having restrictions placed on freedom of movement

We acknowledge our responsibilities in tackling modern slavery and commit to complying with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Tutor Trust understands that this requires an ongoing review of both our internal practices concerning our labour force and our supply chains.

We do not enter into business with any other organisation, in the United Kingdom or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to involve itself in slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour. 

No labour provided to Tutor Trust in the pursuance of the provision of its services is obtained using slavery or human trafficking methods. Tutor Trust strictly adheres to the minimum standards required concerning its responsibilities under relevant employment legislation in the UK and in many cases exceeds those minimums for its employees.

Potential exposure

In general, Tutor Trust considers its exposure to slavery/human trafficking to be relatively limited, it has taken steps to ensure that such practices do not take place in its business nor the business of any organisation that supplies goods and/or services to it. 


Tutor Trust carries out due diligence processes to ensure slavery and/or human trafficking does not take place in its organisation or supply chains, including conducting a review of the controls of its suppliers.

Tutor Trust has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with modern slavery.

Under section 54(4) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Tutor Trust undertakes the following steps to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place:

  • a regular review of supplier contracts to include termination powers if the supplier is, or is suspected to be, involved in modern slavery
  • implementation of measures to identify and assess the potential risks in our supply chains
Slavery Compliance Officer

Tutor Trust has a Slavery Compliance Officer, to whom all concerns regarding modern slavery should be addressed, and who will then undertake relevant action concerning our obligations. 

This statement is made in pursuance of Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be reviewed for each financial year.

Complaints, Appeals & Grievances

Customer Satisfaction

Any school or tutor who makes a complaint will be treated with courtesy and in accordance with Tutor Trust’s Equal Opportunities Policy. For complaints about any aspect of the activities of Tutor Trust or arising from a service provided by The Tutor Trust, every effort will be made to diffuse a situation informally. This is referred to as a stage 1 complaint. If this is not possible the complaint will be escalated. The procedure for managing complaints is provided below. Where a complaint is raised by a school, they should report this directly to The Tutor Trust rather than via a tutor, unless the school believes the complaint can be swiftly resolved informally with the tutor. 

Note: the timeframe set out below will commence from when a complaint becomes formal.

Informal Complaints (verbal)
  • Relevant employee discusses complaint with school or tutor and attempts to resolve informally
  • Complaints and outcomes are to be reported to the appropriate senior manager at Tutor Trust for monitoring purposes
Day 1
Informal Complaints (written)
  • Relevant employee discusses complaint with school or tutor and attempts to resolve informally.
  • Complaints and outcomes are to be reported to the appropriate senior manager at Tutor Trust for monitoring purposes
Day 1 (from receipt)
Formal Complaints (and informal complaints which are escalated)
  • Formal complaints must be recorded in writing
  • Employees receiving complaints contact the complainant to inform them that the complaint has been received and provide details of the senior manager who will investigate the complaint(s)
  • Written complaints should be issued to the appropriate senior manager or director. A full investigation will be carried out
  • Receipt of complaint acknowledged within 2 working days. If it is not possible possible to meet this timeframe due to absence, we will issue an interim response giving a time when the full response can be expected
Within 12 working days
Formal Complaint escalated
  • If the complaint has not been adequately resolved at stage 2 the senior manager handling the complaint should inform the complainant that the complaint has been escalated to stage 3 and will be resolved by the board of trustees.
  • Response will be no later than the date of the next available board of trustees meeting, and no later than one month after receiving the complaint
Within 30 working days
Appeals Process
  • If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome they are entitled to appeal the decision in writing to an appointed person who has no involvement in the complaint or investigation
  • The appointed person should be a senior staff member and have had no substantial involvement in the dealing of the complaint. All complaints will be monitored and where possible used to improve and develop our services.
  • Response will be within 5 working days from the date the original letter was received
Within 5 working days
My complaint has not been resolved

The Tutor Trust will seek to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Timescales for resolving complaints will vary depending on the nature of the complaint made. Employees of the Tutor Trust responsible for handling complaints will be made aware of this procedure and the importance of providing complainants with anticipated timescales for investigation activity or resolution.

However, if after having spoken to us you feel we have not resolved your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the Charity Commission by calling 0300 066 9197 or following the link below to raise a concern:

Charity Commission

Your details

We maintain a log of all complaints raised to manage our complaints process effectively. This includes information about you as the complainant. If you would like further information, or have any concerns, about the data we hold about you, please refer to our Privacy Policies

We will seek to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Timescales for resolving complaints will vary depending on the nature of the complaint made. The employees of the Tutor Trust responsible for handling complaints will be made aware of this procedure and the importance of providing complainants with anticipated timescales for investigation activity or resolution.

Complaints can be submitted via one of the below methods

Write to us: Tutor Trust, Virginia House, 3rd Floor, 5-7 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester M4 5AD or

Call us Email us


A complete library of all of our policies and downloads in alphabetical order (A-Z):

Policy Team

Creating and managing policies and procedures is a multi-disciplinary team effort, but the following colleagues help to drive and manage them, keeping staff, tutors, pupils and partners safe and ensuring we are compliant with all relevant legislation

Jason Heaford

Chief Operating Officer and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Jason Heaford

Chief Operating Officer and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Jason joined Tutor Trust in 2014 after spending 15 years leading early years provisions within the Stockport area. Jason is a member of the Senior Management Team, and his main responsibilities now include leading People and Culture, Safeguarding, and Business Operations teams.

Jason began his working life as a professional footballer, most notably with Derby County FC 

Jason says: "Alongside working with like-minded people who are passionate, hardworking, and talented, I enjoy the fact that no two days are alike in carrying out my role - I have a very varied in-tray! Ultimately, playing a role in transforming lives through tutoring of so many young people provides me with the greatest satisfaction of all. Long may Tutor Trust continue to champion support to those who need it most!"     

Sarah Horne

Finance Director and Company Secretary

Sarah Horne

Finance Director and Company Secretary

Sarah joined Tutor Trust as Finance Director in November 2020, having spent most of her career with the Co-op working in senior finance, tax, and governance roles, initially in her hometown of Stoke-on-Trent then later in Rochdale and Manchester. She is both a chartered accountant and chartered tax adviser, and trained with Price Waterhouse (now PwC) in Manchester. Sarah is also now the Company Secretary, working closely with the trustees.

Sarah says: "I’ve been involved in the charity sector for many years, initially undertaking audits for charities and helping them prepare their accounts. I later became a charity trustee and I’m currently a trustee of AidCamps International, a small charity that delivers international volunteering projects.

"Before joining Tutor Trust, my experience of tutoring was that it was something that would only be available to children whose parents could afford to pay for it, so I was excited to find an organisation that was making tutoring available to those children who needed it the most. Tutor Trust is full of people who really care about the young people we work with, and it’s great to be able to use my skills and expertise to help the charity grow and develop."

Sarah supports our staff team to thrive. She wears glasses, has short blonde hair and is wearing a blue dress.

Sarah Kern

People Manager
Sarah supports our staff team to thrive. She wears glasses, has short blonde hair and is wearing a blue dress.

Sarah Kern

People Manager

Sarah joined the Tutor Trust in 2023 as People Manager, after seven years in the coffee industry in various roles, most recently as HR Manager at an independent coffee company in Manchester. Prior to working in the coffee industry, Sarah worked across different sectors from financial institutions to publishing and events management. Sarah is a graduate of Oxford Brookes University with a degree in Law and has recently achieved her CIPD Level 5 in Human Resource Management.

Sarah also volunteers as Chair of The Kore Directive, a community group set up to promote inclusivity and accessibility across the speciality coffee industry in the UK. Sarah has appeared as a keynote speaker on Employee Rights, Employer Responsibilities and participated in panel discussions around inclusion and accessibility. She has also participated as part of the advisory panel for Cup North.

Sarah says: “I have always worked in values-driven organisations, and when the chance arose to work on the Tutor Trust team, it was an easy decision to make.  Not only do I get to work with a team of motivated individuals who are driven to support young people to achieve their potential, but I get to help shape what we offer to new team members, and to help make this an even more attractive organisation to work in. 

“Tutor Trust is also informing my volunteer and presentation work outside of the organisation, especially our poverty and place research around social mobility and opportunity, which I have shared at an event for the coffee industry. I’m really enjoying my role at Tutor Trust and am excited at what the future holds.”

Lewis Howell

Risk Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lewis Howell

Risk Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lewis joined Tutor Trust in March 2014 as a Schools Coordinator and worked across both the Manchester and Leeds schools teams, including leading the original Leeds tuition pilot. In Spring 2022 Lewis moved across to the newly created role of Risk Manager covering various operational areas including Safeguarding, Health & Safety, and Data Protection. Lewis is also one of Tutor Trust's Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Before to joining the charity, Lewis had spent the previous two-and-a-half years working in South Africa’s Kalahari Desert. Lewis was the Field Project Manager at the Kalahari Meerkat Project for 18 months, a behavioural research project run by the University of Cambridge looking at the evolution of cooperative breeding in meerkats.  He was responsible for managing both the day-to-day research of the project and the team of international volunteers who collected the data. Prior to this, Lewis was one of the research volunteers for 12 months.

Lewis graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2010, having studied Wildlife Conservation.

Lewis says: “I have always enjoyed working at Tutor Trust. The mission is vital and necessary; we’re making a difference and we’re very good at what we do to boot! Just as importantly, I’m surrounded by people who care and help to create a wonderful working environment.”