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To donate to the Tutor Trust, and support our vital work ensuring disadvantaged young people have the opportunity to reach their educational potential

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Since 2012, Tutor Trust has supported over 35,500 young people across Greater Manchester, Merseyside and West Yorkshire. With positive evidence from two randomised control trials (RCTs), we are unique in the sector in having ‘gold-standard’ evidence of the impact of our work. Our mission is to transform lives through tutoring, and we hope to continue expanding our reach so that every young person has access to the support they need to achieve their full potential. 

This would not be possible without the help and support of those who fund us, with each donation providing further opportunities to bridge the attainment gap in education.

If, like us, you care about making a change to the educational inequality faced by those from lower-income backgrounds, we would greatly appreciate your support. The money you give could have a significant impact on a pupil’s grades and attainment, and, as each tutor acts as a role model, tutoring can also positively impact individual well-being and confidence. 

If you're an individual and would like to donate, you can use the form below to set up either a one-off or recurring donation. If you're a business or a grant-making trust who is interested in donating to Tutor Trust, please contact us via this form. 

If you would first like to learn more about who we are and what we do, carry on reading for more information...

A tutor and pupil are smiling during a reading tuition session

Tutoring is personal, targeted and effective

The effect tutoring can have...

A good tutor can support a pupil to achieve higher grades, but it can also help to reengage those who find coming into school challenging.

Consistent attendance in school is key, however, pupils who miss lessons may find it harder to come back if they have significant knowledge gaps. We want to support these pupils to ensure they have the tools and confidence to get back on track. Read the story of Year 10 pupil 'G', written by tutor Sarah, to see the impact a supportive tutor can have.

When pupil G had her first session, she had come into school only to attend tuition. At the time, G was not attending after a recent incident left her feeling anxious to return. The school were able to use tutoring as a way of supporting G into attending school full-time again, which she did. Throughout our 12 sessions, G’s confidence grew, and she continued to show a really positive attitude towards learning. She shared that she had also chosen to attend additional intervention sessions after school, and these were both helping in her main lessons.

G’s hard work and progress was brilliantly illustrated by her amazing achievement of doubling her percentage in her endpoint assessment – going from a score of 35% to 70%. It was great to see G recognise her achievement and feel proud of all the work she had done over the programme."
Sarah - Tutoring Plus Tutor