The logos of The Tutor Trust and King's Trust

The King's Trust Achieve

Our partnership with The King's Trust enables our tutors to combine tutoring with the Achieve programme units

Our partnership with The King's Trust enables us to offer our high-quality tutoring alongside the Achieve units, which help young people develop personal and life skills in key enrichment areas.

Just like our other therapeutic tutoring services (see The Right Angle), The King’s Trust Achieve project supports more than just academic development. The Achieve units cover six topics, ranging from skills for school, personal and social development, to life skills, support for mental health, active citizenship, enterprise projects and preparation for work. This programme is great value for money as, thanks to the support of one of our very generous funders, it is heavily-subsidised.

Our highly-skilled Tutoring Plus tutors deliver the modules from the Achieve programme alongside 12 one-hour maths or English tuition sessions.  This blended approach enables our tutors to tailor sessions specifically to the individual learner, empowering them to decide which Achieve units they’d like to cover, which increases their motivation to succeed.

If you’d like to know more about The King’s Trust programme and tuition for young people in your service, please email our Director of Tutoring Plus Jo Meredith, or Penny Mitchell, Tutoring Plus Partnerships and Fundraising Manager.