Our tutors
Our tutors are self-employed and are paid a minimum of £22 to plan and deliver a one-hour tutoring session. Our tutor pool contains people with a range of experience, including qualified teachers and experienced professionals. Around 70% of our tutors are undergraduate and graduate students at local universities.
We pay our tutors fairly and we are thoughtful about how we recruit. Fewer than half of tutors who submit application forms become tutors with us. All primary tutors are required to have a minimum of grade B / 6 in both GCSE English and GCSE Maths.
Before being approved to tutor with us, all tutors go through the following process:
- Initial online application with scored competency questions.
- Online interview with scored questions, including a simulated tutoring session. Every candidate is interviewed by two members of our staff team.
- 10-12 hour assessed online training, consisting of a mix of self-paced online learning, live sessions with our staff team and PGCE trainers from the University of Manchester, and assessed tasks. You can find out more about our tutor training here.
- Safeguarding training
- Two references
- Enhanced DBS check and barred list check

Our tutor is amazing and is part of the team here. She has worked superbly with staff and children alike in providing highly effective targeted support.Lisa Houghton, Ashurst Primary School