A tutor smiles at a young pupil

Tutor Trust features on the Good Giving List

We are one of just a handful of charities featured in the new 2023 Good Giving List


  • Time to read: 5 minutes

The 2023 Good Giving list recommends charities that have been independently proven to provide high-quality and effective interventions.

The Good Giving list has been created by Giving Evidence, an independent organisation founded to encourage and enable effective charitable giving which is based on sound evidence.This list is the first of its kind, using independent evidence about effectiveness to identify high-performing UK charities. This enables potential donors to have confidence in the charities that they are looking to support. Historically, charity recommendations are based on financial information – however, this information doesn’t demonstrate the impact a charity has on its beneficiaries.

We are one of only seven charities to feature on the list, which looks at three sectors – Improving Education, Reducing Crime and Supporting Children. These three sectors are chosen because Giving Evidence only operate in sectors where there is an independent body which produces reliable research into the effectiveness of work in that area. We feature in the Improving Education section where the Evidence Producer is the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), who commissioned both of our positive Randomised Control Trials (RCTs).

Giving Evidence selected us to appear on the list based on the finding from our RCT, published in 2018, which showed that our tutoring programme equated to three additional months of progress. The EEF had good confidence in the results of that evaluation – giving it four out of five ‘padlocks’ in their confidence scoring system. Although this study looked at KS2 pupils, the fact that we use the same small group model in all of our programmes means that our work is well supported by independent findings. 

What a fantastic honour to be included on Giving Evidence’s Good Giving List. Impact and effectiveness are at the heart of everything we do, so to be recognised on this basis means a great deal.

"We hope that this encourages more people to support us in our mission to transform lives through tutoring and to reach a greater number of young people across Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, and Merseyside”.
Tutor Trust Co-Founder and Executive Director Abigail Shapiro

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